NFU-NB Board of Directors

NFU-NB Board members were elected in March 2024 at the AGM, all positions are for a one-year term.


President Data Brainanta

Data is a landed immigrant from Indonesia who has lived in Canada intermittently for more than a decade. Having accessed CERB money in 2020, he was able to shift his attention and energy to learn temperate climate human scale farming and permaculture. Following his learnings, Data and his friends started a food garden cooperative (TOASA Cooperative) with a mission of working with the community in a peace and friendship spirit to nurture a decolonised relationship to the land.

TOASA Cooperative Farm, Nauwigewauk, NB.
(506) 607-8486

BIPOC President Leah Sappier

Leah is from Neqotkuk and currently resides in Eqpahak, she completed Hayes Farm’s Regenerative Farming Internship in 2021. She currently is giving her best shot at a small back yard garden, and doesn’t have much space so getting creative with the space she has available has been a fun pastime this year so far. Leah’s also taken a special interest in learning about what medicines can be harvested locally to and how to make the most out use out of them.

Eqpahak (The Fredericton Region), NB.

Secretary Geneviève Latour

Bio coming soon

Rogersville, NB.

Women’s President Karen Ferron

Karen and her husband Al, co-operate and own Ferron Family Farms in Long Settlement, NB. They are newer to both agriculture and New Brunswick having lived in other provinces in Canada and Jamaica. They raise livestock, grass-fed and pastured cattle, sheep, pigs, and chickens, with a special focus on goat meat production. They also sell other Jamaican foods in their farm stand.

Ferron Family Farms, Long Settlement, NB.

Youth President Alexis Légère

Alexis is a market gardener at Les Racines Légère, a mixed vegetable farm in Caraquet, located on the grounds of the Marguerite-Bourgeoys school. He provides the school with some of the produce, selling the rest directly or by CSA shares; he assists students in learning to grow food and uses the schools certified kitchen to produce value added products.

Les Racines Légères, Caraquet, NB

Treasurer Rébeka Frazer-Chiasson

Farmer at La Terre Partagée in Rogersville.  Feminist, environmentalist and concerned about food sovereignty.  Graduate of St. Thomas University.

La Ferme Terre Partagée, Rogersville, Northumberland County, NB

Directors at large

Dirk Groenenberg

Dirk Groenenberg is a chemical-free farmer from Rusagonis and a member of solidarity groups such as the Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network and Solidarité Fredericton.

Rusagonis, NB

Bernadette Goguen

Bernadette and Marcel took over operation of Marcel Goguen Farm in 1987, which is a family farm operated since the arrival of the first Acadians to the region. It was started up by Joseph Goguen in 1778 around the time of the very founding of the village of Cocagne.


The Marcel Goguen Farm features 6 acres of apple trees and 4 acres of mixed vegetables. Small livestock is also raised on the farm, including hens, ducks, geese, pigs and a horse.


Marcel and Bernadette Goguen place great importance on education and teaching children and the general public about where our food comes from and the history of their farm and the local region. Tours of the farm are also available to local schools.

Ferme Marcel Goguen, Cocagne, NB

Aaron Shantz

Aaron and his wife Shelley are food security activists from Saint Marie de Kent NB. They have been raising their family of four on a once abandoned homestead that they moved to from BC 10 years ago. They operate l’Hirondelle Farm, a small poultry and vegetable farm, Shelley who is the principal farm operator; he manages the woodlot and works on projects related to community development around food sovereignty & social justice. For fun he manages their woodlot and goes exploring with his boys Griffen and Clem. His love for good food and working the land sums up his belief that everyone deserves to have access to a healthy lifestyle both physically and mentally.  This is difficult for many in our present society – Aaron and his family are working to be part of the movement that addresses this challenge!

l'Hirondelle Farm, Sainte-Marie-de-Kent, NB

Al Ferron

Karen and her husband Al, co-operate and own Ferron Family Farms in Long Settlement, NB. They are newer to both agriculture and New Brunswick having lived in other provinces in Canada and Jamaica. They raise livestock, grass-fed and pastured cattle, sheep, pigs, and chickens, with a special focus on goat meat production. They also sell other Jamaican foods in their farm stand.

Ferron Family Farms, Long Settlement, NB.

NB Representation at the National Level

(NB – Region 1, District 2)

Barb Amos

Barbara has worked as a teacher, in the education system, as tutor for the St. Thomas University/Elsipogtog Aotiitj program, and on the farm. She was an active member in the teachers union and served as branch president for two years. She has always been interested in agriculture and, because of her interest, and concern over issues such as vertical integration, the increasing industrialization of farming, the voices of the actual farmers being drowned out by the vociferous racket of nonfarmers, etc, Barbara became involved with the NFU-NB for several years.

International Programs Committee

Currently unfilled