Local Food Security Act Petition and Rally

Local Food Security Act Petition and Rally

Rally at the Legislative Assembly 1:30 pm, Thurs, April 30, 2015

On Thursday, April 30 at 2:30 pm the Local Food Security Act will go to vote at second reading.
Join us on the grounds of the NB Legislature at 1:30 for a rally expressing our support for the Local Food Security Act.

Bring your ID and read this so you can enter the Legislative assembly to hear the final debate and vote at 2:30 pm.

Our goal is to pack the gallery of the legislature with farmers and concerned citizens!  

Let’s show the government that the local food security is essential for the future of New Brunswick!

Online Petition

The NFU-NB has created an online petition for urgent support for Bill 11, Local Food Security Act that is currently before the NB legislature.  During the debate on Thursday, April 23, the Liberal government and the Minister of Agriculture called for this bill to be defeated.  It will go to vote this Thursday, April 30.

Please take 2 minutes to sign the petition.

And if you have a few more minutes, please write to your MLA and/or the Minister of Agriculture to express your support.  Email addresses can be found here.

Please share the petition with your networks and on social media.  We have less than 72 hours to collect as many signatures as possible!


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