NFU in NB Welcomes New Executive Director

NFU in NB Welcomes New Executive Director

The National Farmers Union in New Brunswick is pleased to announce the appointment of Amanda Wildeman as Executive Director, effective October 8.

Amanda grew up in Alberta and has called New Brunswick home for nearly 10 years. She graduated from St. Thomas University before getting a Master’s degree in Natural Resources and Peace. Amanda has extensive hands-on experience working for farmers in this province. She brings new energy and enthusiasm to her role as executive director of one of NB’s two general farm organizations.

“I am thrilled to be taking on this new role. The National Farmers Union has been working hard for farm families for many years both here in New Brunswick and across Canada. Farmers are the foundation for regional food security, and when their livelihoods are compromised because of policies and programs that do not benefit them, we are all at risk.”

Amanda is passionate about food sovereignty and working to help create a just food system. She looks forward to her role in enhancing the success and vitality of the province’s farmers and in the development of progressive agriculture policies.

The National Farmers Union (NFU) has represented farm families in all agricultural commodities across Canada for over forty years. Member families of the NFU believe the family farm is the most appropriate and efficient means of agricultural production. Its members work together to achieve farm policies that ensure dignity and security of income for farm families, while enhancing the land for future generations. The NFUNB supports buying locally and has been working with the government and other nonprofit organizations like the Conservation Council of NB on the BuyLocalNB campaign, to help NB farmers and consumers connect more directly.

One of Amanda’s goals is to increase the number of NFUNB members. Keep an eye out for events and visits to your region over the coming months. Contact her with any questions about the organization. Invite her to take part in an event that is happening in your community by calling (506) 260-0087, or drop her a line at

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