The NFUNB communicates regularly
with our members and the public through various means.
In the media:
Below are links to news articles where the NFUNB was featured in a magazine, newspaper, on TV or the radio.
If you see us in the media, let us know and we will add it to the list for others to see as well!
June 1, 2015: Radio-Canada
La consommation de produits locaux présentée comme un moteur de développement
April 30, 2015: Radio-Canada
Des fermiers à Fredericton pour appuyer un projet de loi sur la «sécurité alimentaire»
April 30, 2015: CBC
Farmers head to Fredericton to support food security bill
April 29, 2015: CBC ‘The Shift’
Supporting local food by law (radio interview)
April 1, 2015: The Daily Gleaner
National Farmers’ Union hosts Joan Brady
March 31, 2015 : The Daily Gleaner
National Farmers Union discusses sustainable future, climate change
March 13, 2015 : The Daily Gleaner
March 11, 2015 : The Daily Gleaner
February 13, 2015: CBC
February 13, 2015: FM 92.9
December 30, 2014: Radio-Canada
December 29, 2014: CBC
December 23, 2014: The Victoria Star
December 20, 2014: Téléjournal Acadie
December 20, 2014: Radio-Canada
December 19, 2014: Times & Transcript
December 10, 2014: The Daily Gleaner or Times & Transcript
October 20, 2014: Woodstock Bugle Observer
August 29, 2014: Woodstock Bugle-Observer
August 7, 2014: Woodstock Bugle-Observer
May 5, 2014: Commentary, Telegraph Journal
- Changes to agricultural legislation patently absurd, Randall Affleck, NFU Region 1 Director
April 28, 2014: Opinion, Telegraph Journal
- The quiet attack on farms and food, Betty Brown, NFU Director
April 2014: The Gagetown Gazette
March 17, 2014: Radio Canada
March 10, 2014: Woodstock Bugle-Observer
March 10, 2014: Grand Falls Victoria Star
March 7, 2014: The Daily Gleaner
January 12, 2014: The Daily Gleaner
January 10, 2014: Telegraph Journal
December 27, 2013: Letters, Woodstock Bugle-Observer
- New credit insurance shift will end up harming farmers, Terry Boehm, NFU President
December 16, 2013: Commentary, Telegraph Journal
- Say no to UPOV’91, Matt Gehl, NFU Board member
November 18, 2013: Commentary, Woodstock Bugle-Observer
- Minister Ritz sells out farmers again, NFU NB
October 1, 2013: Commentary: Telegraph Journal
- Farmers union supports blueberry producers, Jean-Eudes Chiasson, NFUNB President
August 7, 2013: Radio Canada
- L’avenir des fermes familiales dans les Maritimes inspire de l’inquiétude
August 6, 2013: Radio-Canada
- Des agriculteurs des maritimes se concertent
July 3, 2013: Radio-Canada
- Garderies : des agriculteurs au N.-B. demandent de l’aide
June 3, 2013: Opinion: Acadie Nouvelle
- Et les travailleurs autonomes ?, Eva Rehak, former NFU-NB Women’s President
April 11, 2013: Radio-Canada
- Des agriculteurs veulent que leurs produits se distinguent sur les étalages
April 9, 2013: CBC
- Genetically modified alfalfa protested by Canadian farmers
August 28, 2012: Acadie Nouvelle
- Trop dépendants des aliments d’ailleurs
June 29, 2012: Opinion, Acadie Nouvelle
- L’agriculture au féminin, Jean-Eudes Chiasson, NFU-NB President
June 19, 2012: Acadie Nouvelle
- Palais législatif : le pommier a été retiré
June 18, 2012: Acadie Nouvelle
- Les agricultures du N.-B. exigent des meilleurs subventions
The Union Farmer Quarterly:
- A newsletter prepared by our national office, emailed to all farm and associate members country-wide.
- Click here for past editions.
The Union Farmer Monthly:
- A brief, occasional newsletter for urgent issues between quarterly editions.
- Read previous editions here.

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NFU-NB advocating for family farms and for food sovereignty
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